Monday, November 10, 2008

Majestec in 1st On Site Tour

For last few week. We ,Majestec, installer team went to our client's house to install our product into the whole house. This work quite interesting. So let start with kitchen doors.

This is hinged door installed to the kitchen located at the back of the house. When we plan to build the kitchen there's one thing to think of is the location of kitchen. We need one or two factors when decide it's location. We need clean and separate kitchen. No one need to cook and let people smell everything you put in the pan. And we need open air area. So in the kitchen we need windows and doors that let the wind can flow through the kitchen. Majestec can help this install the doors as the kitchen door our door panel is mesh and this will not block the wind in or out.

Awning windows is perfect for bathroom. We really need open air for bathroom almost same reason to the kitchen. Even if the bath room have colours our white frame still work with the wall.Lets see the left two white frame is Majestec and two on the right is other products. (In the picture this is still under construction) Majestec easily install with other products. In this case it is Windsor glass windows. (Yes we can install with Windsor without any problem) Mostly in Thailand people like to install glass windows in the outside layer and other product inside layer. While glass outside can protect you from dust but glass cannot itself protect from objects. And while Majestec outide can protect from object but Majestec cannot protect itself from dust. Well, this is up to you if you don't need to clean both glass window and Majestec window choose glass outside. But if you aware of objects to break you glass choose Majestec outside.Take a closer look. The wire net you see is the security mesh we proudly to present. If we step back for 4-5 metres we will not see mesh so this make us feel free when stay in the house. This mesh is made from high tensile stainless steel.

Finally finish. Our Majestec installed to the whole house. You can see glass window outside and Majestec inside. The home owner choose white frame however we do have more colours.

More info please check Majestec at the website.

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Choose the Right Doors - Steel Doors

A steel door can be best choice for security and also to the durability. But not always this depends on many material that use to make the make the steel door. Any of scratches, dents or else are easily to take care. Steel doors with other hardware are cost close to wood doors.

Normally, steel doors can add up with wood for the frame (ex - pine wood frame). Sometime wood frame can kill your security of the door. Steel door mostly will fill any cavities with foam. The skin can emboss with beautiful pattern or just make it smooth. Steel doors mostly are coated baked-on polyester finish (more info [1],[2],[3]). This required repainting. A better version will coat with vinyl this helps weather resistance, stainable wood fiber coating and some high end can be a laminated-wood veneer.

Steel door are usually a part of prehung system. So that the hinge area on the door must match the hinge area on the existing door frame.

Finally, you must check the warranty because some manufacturer will avoid this when you install with some others type of doors.



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Monday, November 3, 2008


MAJESTEC, the new cutting-edge Security Screen Doors and Windows proudly invites you to explore our products in ARCHITECT LANNA '08, at booth number J07, during 28 - 30 November 2008 from 10.00 AM – 08.00 PM.

At The 12th Building Technology Exposition for Northern Thailand, at Chiang Mai University Auditorium, Chiang Mai.

Chiang Mai University Auditorium is situated on Nimmanhemin Road opposite the Chiang Mai University Art Museum. (Map of Chiang Mai University Art Museum Here)

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